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Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit

Scott Thermal Vest W's ActifitZvětšit
Doprava zdarma sleva

Dámská vesta s chráničem páteře je navržena se stejnými prvky jako pánská, ale navíc přesně podle ženských specifik. Můžete ji pohodlně nosit jako střední vrstvu s klidem v duši, protože chránič páteře je v ní již obsažen.

Kategorie:Chrániče Scott
Hodnocení:Hodnocení: 4 z 5 (hodnotit »)
Záruka:24 měsíců
Dostupnost: ?do 2 až 4 dnů
Běžná cena s DPH:4.760,00 Kč
Původní cena s DPH:4.284,00 Kč
Naše cena bez DPH:2.753,72 Kč
Naše cena s DPH:3.332,00 Kč
Ušetříte s DPH:1.428,00 Kč (tj. 30,0 %)

Tip: při platbě předem (volí se v objednávce) obdržíte slevu 3% z aktuální ceny!

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Podrobný popis „Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit“

Dámská vesta chráničem páteře

Do všech podmínek
Každodenní lyžování
Do všech podmínek

D3O® plate
Thermal knit softshell

Vyjímatelný měkký ochranný plát v designu Actifit
Chránič prodloužený v oblasti beder
Celopropínací zip
Nastavitelný pás na suchý zip
Kapsa se zipem
Specificky ženský tvar

Technické parametry „Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit“

Technologie „Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit“

Back Pack Friendly

Back Pack Friendly

Some of our plates are so thin than you could even wear a backpack over it.

D3O® Protection

D3O® Protection


D3O® is a patented material with intelligent molecules. It flows with you as you move but locks together on impact to absorb energy and protect you. This unique innovative component provides an optimal freedom of movement and surpasses CE standards.


D3O® back protection is low profile, lightweight, flexible and soft. D3O® protectors allow for complete freedom of movement and mold to your body so you will not even feel like you are wearing a back protector.



Inserted protective plate is easily removable from the pocket.

Removable Belt

Removable Belt

Remove the belt of the jacket or vest protector to wear the versatile garment as casual wear.

Scott Soft Actifit Protective System

Scott Soft Actifit Protective System

With safety awareness becoming a forefront issue, SCOTT has created a back protector for riders of all abilities. Featuring d3o® technology, the ACTIFIT back panel offers a SCOTT exclusive design and delivers an ergonomic fit with unprecedented comfort. Thin and narrow, the SCOTT SOFT ACTIFIT plate has a unique design including a smart flex zone that follows the curvature of your spine. Low profile and ultra-soft, it molds perfectly to your body and yields excellent performance in cold conditions.

Ultra Low Profile: At 14 mm it offers ample protection without unnecessarybulk.
Waved flex zone: While many protectors cover only the spine, the Soft Flexplate is longer and protects even the lower portion of your back but is softenough not to disturb you when seated.
Ventilation: Large holes offer unmatched ventilation.



Soft-shell construction offers the best flexibility, breathability and comfort

Women's Specific Design

Women's Specific Design

Because the morphology of women is different than men, we offer women's specific features like thinner belt, pre shaped shoulder straps and specific sizing.

Tabulka VELIKOSTÍ „Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit“

Tabulka velikostí chráničů Scott

Tabulka velikostí chráničů Scott


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Další obrázky „Scott Thermal Vest W's Actifit“


Alternativní zboží:

Scott Vest Protector Actifit Pro

POC Spine VPD Vest

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Scott Vest Protector Actifit ProPOC Spine VPD VestScott AirFlex Pro Vest Protector M'sMarker Body Vest MAP 2.0 Men
3.703,00 Kč
(5.290,00 Kč)
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5.290,00 Kč
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4.491,00 Kč
(4.990,00 Kč)
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3.290,00 Kč
(4.690,00 Kč)
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